Our annual hygiene item collection.
Each year, ELU partners with local businesses to collect hygiene products for non-profit agencies in the Mohawk Valley.
United Way partners with many local organizations to collect items through their workplaces and at United Way's office. Donations help support United Way MV ELU's efforts in bringing necessary hygiene items to those who need them most in our community.
Get Involved.
Our ELU Hygiene Drive runs annually from October 1 - October 31. Items are accepted during this month and distracted to local programs in November.
Individuals looking to donate hygiene items may drop off or mail items to United Way's Office, 258 Genesee Street, Utica. You can also shop our Amazon Wish List and have items delivered right to us!
Companies and organizations can host a drive right at their place of business for employees and/or customers to give! Print our flyer, post it in your workplace, or email it to your teams. Be sure to email Kassandra at kassandrag@unitedwaymv.org to let us know you'll collect donations for our hygiene drive and arrange a drop-off or pick-up of your collected items.
Spread the word.
(updated materials available annually in September.)
2023 Printable Poster (.pdf - 11x17)
2023 Printable and Digital Shareable Flyer (.pdf - 8.5x11)
Contact Kassandra Garcia at kassandrag@unitedwaymv.org for more details.
Sign up for our newsletter for updates on ELU's hygiene drive and other ways to get involved.
2022 Hygiene Drive Highlights
For the fifth year, United Way of the Mohawk Valley’s Emerging Leaders United (United Way MV’s ELU) partnered with area businesses to host a drive for hygiene items. This year, 47 local businesses participated with their employees and customers, collecting 5,284 donated items valued at $16,824.
The hygiene items have been distributed to local nonprofits including domestic violence shelters, agencies assisting unhoused individuals, food pantries, and kitchens. Read more.
More details about United Way MV’s ELU, including being a member, or joining the steering committee can be found at unitedwaymv.org/elu and check out the photo gallery of the drive.