Create a thriving Mohawk Valley where every person is healthy, educated, and financially secure.
When you give to United Way of the Mohawk Valley, you invest in effective programs and initiatives that create lasting and measurable results. Your contribution helps thousands of individuals and families in Oneida and Herkimer Counties. Provide young people with academic and social support. Train adults for jobs that pay a family-sustaining income. Improve the lives of people needing medical care, housing, and other basic needs support.
You can make a one-time gift or make a recurring gift. Together we can improve the livelihood of thousands.
Give by Mail
Make checks payable to United Way of the Mohawk Valley and mail them to 258 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502. You can download and print our pledge form to include with your gift. Download Printable Form
Give by Email
Download and complete the fillable digital pledge form and email it to Kassandra Garcia at KassandraG@unitedwaymv.org. Download Digital Fillable Form
Workplace Campaign
Maximize your impact by starting a workplace campaign with United Way MV for your company and its employees.
Donor Privacy Policy
Donor Societies
Leadership Society
Receive additional donor benefits and a deeper connection to your donation at work with a gift of $1,000 or more.
Legacy Society
Create a thriving community well into the future with a legacy gift to United Way.
Small Business Circle
Be a part of this powerful group of small businesses with a big passion for helping our community.