Strategic Investments

United Way MV funds programs helping to build a more resilient Mohawk Valley.

We are committed to investing in programs that result in positive impacts through collaborative, high-quality partnerships with local agencies. United Way supports strategic investments that positively impact health, education, or financial stability. Non-profit 501c3, government agencies, or faith-based organizations can apply for funding through our Strategic Investment process.

View our current funded partners and programs here.

Roots and Shoots: United Way + Local Agency Partnership

United, we can accomplish more. Our Strategic Investments are more than funding; it's a partnership. United Way MV's Roots and Shoots process creates the bandwidth to advance a more significant impact with local community agencies.


'Roots' applications provide stable program funding for programs with an established performance record that does not foresee the need to innovate collaboratively with United Way MV over the next funding cycle period.


'Shoots' applicants are a small group of grantee partners committed to working with United Way MV to identify a shared bold goal. Those applicant agencies want to innovate collaboratively with United Way MV around a specific goal. More significant community outcomes are achieved by reducing not-for-profit silos, embracing shared goals, and increasing meaningful dialogue between funder and programs.

Application Details

United Way of the Mohawk Valley's Strategic Investment application is closed.

To be added to the Strategic Investment application notifications email list, please sign up by completing our Contact Form here.