F.X. Matt Brewing Company Donates $58,535 to United Way of the Valley & Greater Utica Area
January, 2019 – Utica NY
United Way and F.X. Matt Brewing Company have forged a partnership like no other. For 21 years, Saranac Thursday and Concert Series has been a staple in the Mohawk Valley and a major fundraiser benefiting United Way of the Valley & Greater Utica Area. The partnership between the two organizations doesn’t start and stop there.
Even before Saranac Thursday’s inception, employees of F.X. Matt Brewing Company had been generously donating as part of a Workplace Fundraising Campaign, and continue to do so to this day. Just a few years ago the Brewery Store began to ask their customers to be a part of giving back by offering an opportunity to donate their change and “Fill the Growler” for United Way. Most recently as part of the Bank of Utica’s New Year’s Eve event, F.X. Matt Brewing Company gave an additional donation to United Way.
When each of the events are combined, at the end of 2019 Saranac Brewery contributed a total of $58,535 to United Way of the Valley and Greater Utica Area.
“The F.X. Matt Brewery is one of United Way’s largest company contributors” stated Erin Gutierrez Matt, CEO of United Way of the Valley & Greater Utica Area. “It’s because of partnerships like theirs and our joint commitment to this community that make it possible for us to help our community thrive.”
One hundred percent of their contributions are helping fund 50 local programs and assisting 1 in 4 people through United Way. F.X. Matt Brewing Company’s donation alone helped link about 2,700 people to services like United Way’s 2-1-1 referral center, support for parents and their children helping them start school better prepared and provide meals to families.
“Giving back to our community and the United Way has been a big part of our family for four generations,” said Fred Matt, President & COO of F.X. Matt Brewing Company. “Our goal, through our contributions of time and money, is to help make our community a better place for all.”
At the end of the 2019 Saranac Thursday events one of the local bands playing at Saranac Thursday, Last Left, joined in giving to United Way with a $500 donation. Since the event’s inception, more than 11,700 United Way volunteers have donated their time and $660,000 has been raised and generously donated by F.X. Matt Brewing Company from event proceeds.
Each year more than 100 groups and local companies apply to volunteer with United Way at the Saranac summer event season. United Way of the Valley & Greater Utica Area will announce the opening of the application process for the 2020 season in March. If you are interested in more information about how your company or community organization can apply to volunteer for the 2020 season, contact United Way at info@unitedwayvgu.org.